Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stone Soup

Yesterday, a group of us met at Freedom Park for a session to make "stone soup", and to explore some rice mixed with crystals, rocks, and a few geodes. The group was larger than I had expected. I was thrilled that so many children came. On the other hand, it made me realize that I need to set a cap on the number of children attending since I'm limited in the amount of materials I can bring to the park.

As always, the children fascinated me. They seemed to really enjoy dumping their soup ingredients into the pot and stirring it all up. They crowded around the rice bin and were quiet as they scooped and poured and discovered the hidden gems.

I am really looking forward to the next session on Tuesday the 2nd, when I will bring so much more for the children to discover, including butterflies, flowers, crystals, glass containers, wood, sparkling balls, and more!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Information about August classes

The first class in August will take place on Tuesday, August 2nd at 10:00 a.m. We will meet at the lake side of Freedom Park, closest to Princeton Ave. Parents are encouraged to attend classes with their children, but can simply observe and relax (or even go for a walk or jog around the lake for some free time)! You do not have to sign up for a particular number of classes. You can drop-in to any or all classes.

We will also be meeting in the same location on Tuesday, July 26th at 3:00 p.m. to make "Stone Soup." We will take a short hike down the nature trail to collect ingredients for the "soup." Anyone is welcome to join us! Please feel free to call me with any questions.

Please email me at if you plan to attend. I will need to know the age(s) and number of children attending, and also contact information for all parents, in case of rain or emergency.

Trial class

Yesterday a few of my children's friends were gathered together for a trial class. I made homemade play dough scented with cinnamon and brought the materials to make oobleck, a mixture of water and cornstarch that is both a liquid and a solid. Playing with oobleck is one of my children's favorite things to do. It is also great for children with sensory integration disorders, or texture issues. When squeezed, it becomes hard and feels manageable and satisfying. When released, it oozes over your hand slowly, as if massaging it. Okay, the point is, it is very therapeutic to play with. I provided cookie cutters, spoons, ladles, clear marbles, pine cones and tiny bowls for the children to use. They then decided on their own to mix the play dough in. That created a different type of substance that was also very appealing to touch. Some of the children dripped the substance all over their bodies. Luckily it washes off in seconds with just a little water! They were entranced. I loved watching it all!